
Blue flag

Blue Flag is an annual award and an environmental quality certification system developed by the FEE since 1987. It promotes and rewards participation in voluntary environmental initiatives of the municipal authorities, the local and visiting population, and the agents of the tourism sector.
The criteria for obtaining the Blue Flag are grouped into four areas: Bathing water quality, Environmental education and information, Environmental management and Safety, services and facilities.

The Blue Flag is granted by an International Jury, presided over by the FEE and participation, among others, of the Agencies of UN, for the Environment and Tourism, among the candidacies selected by the National Jurors. The Jury for Spain, chaired by ADEAC, the coastal regions, the FEMP and the Ministries, Foundations and Universities involved.

Blue Flag is the voluntary initiative in favor of sustainability, encouragement and quality certification, in the tourism sector with the highest:
  • Antiquity and continuity, since 1984.
  • Cooperation and institutional support of UNEP-UNEP, UNWTO, IUCN, governments, foundations, etc.
  • Extension and geographical implantation in 46 states of five continents.
  • Rapidity in its extent and current growth potential.

The Yacht Club Altea has been one of the pioneering clubs at European level to comply with the regulations necessary for the award of the EEC blue flag.


  • Avda. del Puerto, 50
  • 03590 Altea - ALICANTE
  • Club phone: (+34) 96.584.21.85
  • Club phone: (+34) 96.584.15.91
  • Restaurant phone: (+34) 96.584.34.76